Public Comment: Draft Focus Areas Map
The Public Comment Period for the Draft Focus Areas map ended on November 14. Comments submitted will be brought to the YSGA Board of Directors on November 20.
The Focus Areas map was prepared using various hydrologic data, reported citizen concerns, and professional judgement to delineate areas in the Yolo Subbasin that may be sensitive to groundwater pumping and warrant additional information and analysis. The Focus Areas are areas in the Yolo Subbasin in which well permit applicants that are not exempt from the Governor's Executive Orders (N-7-22 and N-3-23) will be required to submit additional information for the YSGA to review as part of the written verification process. These Focus Areas are not intended to be used outside of well permitting compliance with the Executive Orders and may be subject to change and revision based on future feedback from the YSGA Board of Directors and staff, stakeholders, and the public.
Technical data and information reviewed included groundwater levels, geologic and geomorphologic maps, reported citizen concerns on proximity and cumulative impact of agricultural wells to domestic wells and declining groundwater levels, domestic well density and small water systems, and reported dry wells.